2015 Cannondale trigger Carbon team 27.5

What? Another mountain bike???

Yep, I did so well with the last one that I figured I should pass up the deal on this one.  

Once again I found the bike advertised on Craigslist but the bike was actually at a dealer in downstate Michigan.  Lucky for me I had been working to coordinate a business trip for work that would have me passing right bye this dealers location.  The dealer was “unloading” a bunch of previous year models.  When I spoke with him on the phone he told me that he had bought all of Cannondale’s last year models of this bike and had gotten an awesome deal himself.  He was offering them for sale brand new at $3,200 with the full factory warranty.  With tax I was in it for $3,400.   

I’ve ridden a lot of different bikes throughout my life and to date this bike has been my favorite.  It was just did everything well.

Throughout the time I owned the bike I rode it for a total of about 650 miles and never put a dime into it.  When I sold the bike I made $250.  Its not a huge sum of money but it comes out to be a 7% return.  I guarantee riding the stock market for a 7% return is not nearly as fun as riding this bike for a 7% return.

Deal done, onto the next one.