2015 Cannondale trigger 29er Carbon 2

Yet another mountain bike.  

I found this bike advertised on Craigslist up in Madison, WI.  The guy worked for Pacific Bike which is owned by the same parent company as Cannondale so I was pretty sure he had gotten employee purchase pricing on the bike when he bought it.

He had the bike advertised for $1,800. A reasonable price but why pay full price if they’ll sell it for less.  I brought cash with me when i went to check it out.  The bike rode well and was in the condition advertised.  Before the meetup I figured out my game plan; he was asking $1,800 but would probably take less.  How much less? He’d probably accept $1,400; so that is the amount I had put in my pocket.  After riding the bike I told him I was willing to make him an offer.  I offered him $1,200 cash right now; fully anticipating that he would counteroffer, which he did.  “How about $1,400?”, he said.  I smiled, nodded, and said, “sure”.  While simultaneously pulling the $1,400 from my pocket.  I shook and his hand and said, “here’s $1,400”.  The confusion on his face when I pulled the exact amount of money he’d countered still makes me laugh today.    

This bike is comparable to the Trigger 27.5 I had before but due to the taller wheels it rolled over the bumps with a bit more ease but was also not quite as nimble.  It was a blast to rip over bumpy, rooted terrain because it would just eat it up without ever slowing down.

I rode it for quite a while and then decided to move on.  I posted it up on good ‘ol Craigslist and sold it to a guy for $1,800. 

Deal done, onto the next one.