A 50cc Toy for the Kids – Part Two

A 50cc Toy for the Kids – Part Two

Before reading on, if you missed part one you can read it here. Knowing that the atv had leaked gas all over the box of my truck from when I hauled it home I told my son that he would need to start taking off all the plastic and whatnot so that we could see the guts...
A 50cc Toy for the Kids – Part One

A 50cc Toy for the Kids – Part One

 Little Machine – Part One Last fall/winter I was hunting Craigslist for a good deal on kids ATV’s for our family to keep up at the family cottage.  As you would expect, finding a good deal on a kids ATV is no small feat.  Typically those little machines are nearly...
Repairing the Victory Clutch

Repairing the Victory Clutch

This is the second Victory I’ve owned in which the clutch cable snapped right at the clutch perch.  From my previous Victory I’d already done a fair amount of research on replacement cost and found that the factory repair option was pricier than I cared pay.  The...
An Exciting Clutch Cable Failure

An Exciting Clutch Cable Failure

I had an interesting ride to work on the Victory the other day.  All started out well and good, like every other ride in to work, but about two thirds of the way into the ride it got interesting.  As I accelerated away from a traffic light and reached my left hand...
Knocking Off the Ugly

Knocking Off the Ugly

I had bought the Victory in a wee bit of disrepair.  Mechanically it was pretty stellar, except for the rear shock, but multiple painted sections had bubbled and pealed paint.  Almost all of these sections were either zinc or aluminum cast components, the drive belt...
Fixing a Victory Blown Rear Shock

Fixing a Victory Blown Rear Shock

  Initial Assessment The first time I threw a leg over the Victory and sat down I could tell something wasn’t quite right about the rear suspension.  I conducted a bit of a seat of the pants test and the feeling I got was that it would compress and rebound much...