Knocking Off the Ugly

Knocking Off the Ugly

I had bought the Victory in a wee bit of disrepair.  Mechanically it was pretty stellar, except for the rear shock, but multiple painted sections had bubbled and pealed paint.  Almost all of these sections were either zinc or aluminum cast components, the drive belt...
Loosening the Seized Tire Carrier

Loosening the Seized Tire Carrier

  Before I had even purchased the Jeep and was looking it over with the current owner I had noticed that the free end of the tire carrier was not latched to the bumper.  When I tried to latch it to the bumper it did not move, at all.  At the time, the current owner...
How to Restore a Hardtop and Fender Flares

How to Restore a Hardtop and Fender Flares

In January 2019 I purchased a 1997 Wrangler Sport that had been very lightly used for the past 8 years or so.  It had essentially just sat outside in the sun and gotten a bit cooked.  As such the black hardtop had become a faded grey and the fender flares had also...