2008 Victory

Vegas 8-Ball

Victory Vegas 8-Ball investment, sure beats riding the stock market

I bought this motorcycle in the middle of winter, via Copart, in pretty much perfect condition.  Picked it up and only had to tinker with about three simple things before it was good to go.  It was such a beautiful bike and in such great condition that come spring I only got to ride it for about 100 miles before it sold.  I was stoked and bummed at the same time. 

I received a ton of inquiries on this bike when I posted it up for sale. I had a guy come out with cash and offer me $400 less than I had decided I wanted to sell it for.  Even at the price he had offered I’d have made $1,600; but I turned him down.  Based on the number of inquiries I had recieved I figured someone would pay more.  Sure enough, the following weekend another guy showed up with cash and I got the price I was after.  This was another case where I was able to get right near KBB retail value even though I was selling it as a private party.  In a free market system the market sets the price.

Deal done, onto the next one.